Grades 1-8 Christian Formation

β€œThe future of humanity passes by way of the family...Families, become what you are!” ~ St. John Paul II

Watching the seed of faith in a child and youth grow through the gifts of the Spirit is the greatest joy for any parent. Parents are both the first and primary educators of their children. By word and witness, parents form their children in the Catholic faith. The family is the Domestic Church: a school of love where love of God and love of neighbor is first taught and encountered. South Shore Catholic Religious Formation becomes a partner with parents by fostering the growing relationship between God and the whole family. The new Pathways Suite formation program seeks to uphold and reverence the family and facilitate that encounter with God within each home. Parents are supported in their efforts at home by in-church small-group sessions with other parents: building a community of faith and support one family at a time.

For K5 information see Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

2024-25 Family Faith Formation Grades 1 - 8

The program format includes faith formation for the whole family.

In-church sessions are held on the SECOND and FOURTH Sundays, 12:30-2:00pm.

  • Families begin in Johnson Hall at St. Veronica parish with fellowship and opening prayer.

  • Catechists take children to the designated rooms for formation.

  • Parents participate in small-group formation led by the facilitator for the session.

  • Children return to Johnson Hall for a family prayer experience before departing.